"Successful M&A transactions occur where synergies and value intersect"



"It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it" – Anonymous

Gabriel has been a trusted advisor for over 30 years to large multinational companies, Mexican corporations, and family-owned businesses, working on various cross-border transactions and investment projects.

In the last two decades, he has served as the lead advisor on more than 40 M&A transactions (sell-side/buy-side), capitalizations, and co-investments across industries such as financial services, consumer & retail, distribution & logistics, industrials, energy and technology, among others.

Previously, he advised multinational companies on large-scale projects, privatizations, and joint ventures, ranging from underground mining to space satellites, representing companies such as Hughes/Panamsat, General Motors EMD, Frankfurt/Schiphol Airports, and China Great Wall Industries.

Gabriel holds a B.A. in Business Administration from ITAM, an Executive MBA from IPADE (MEDEX), and graduated from the CM Management and Finance Program at Harvard University. He has participated in various leadership programs in the UK, USA and Japan and represented Mexico in bilateral and multilateral trade organizations such as Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) and Canadian Chamber of Commerce, among others.

He is an active member of IMAP, the largest organization of independent investment banking firms in the world, founding member of Promoviendo Mexico, A.C. and he also serves as an independent member of the Board in business services and industrial holdings.



"My greatest pleasure is gathering with family and friends to enjoy good conversation around the table. Who doesn’t love to travel as much as possible? I’m no exception—traveling with family is prime! I'm a fan of listening to music, creating playlists, and going to stadiums and concerts of all kinds. When I was younger, I enjoyed mixing music, which explains my love for DJ and electronic music festivals. I enjoy golf, tennis, and a good walk to chat. Hunting for rare whiskies and playing dominoes? A great combination".



"It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it" – Anonymous

Gabriel ha sido asesor para grandes empresas multinacionales, corporaciones mexicanas y empresas familiares durante más de 30 años, trabajando en diversas transacciones internacionales y proyectos de inversión. Es cofundador de Serficor IMAP, una de las principales firmas de banca de inversión en México.  En las últimas dos décadas, ha sido asesor líder en más de 40 transacciones de M&A (sell-side/buy-side), capitalizaciones y coinversiones en industrias tales como: servicios financieros, consumo y retail, distribución y logística, industriales, energía y tecnología, entre otras.   Anteriormente, asesoró a empresas multinacionales en proyectos de gran escala, privatizaciones y joint ventures, abarcando desde minería hasta satélites de comunicación, representando a compañías como Hughes/Panamsat, General Motors EMD, Aeropuertos de Frankfurt/Schiphol y China Great Wall Industries.   Gabriel se graduó de la licenciatura en Administración de Empresas en el ITAM, de la maestría en Alta Dirección de Empresas en el IPADE (MEDEX), así como del CM Management and Finance Program en la Universidad de Harvard. Ha participado en varios programas de liderazgo en Japón, Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido y representado a México en organizaciones bilaterales y multilaterales de comercio como el Pacific Basin Economic Council o la Cámara de Comercio de Canadá, entre otras. Es miembro activo de IMAP, la organización más grande de firmas independientes de banca de inversión en el mundo, miembro fundador de Promoviendo México, A.C., y participa activamente como miembro independiente en consejos de administración de empresas de servicios e industriales.



"My greatest pleasure is gathering with family and friends to enjoy good conversation around the table. Who doesn’t love to travel as much as possible? I’m no exception—traveling with family is prime! I'm a fan of listening to music, creating playlists, and going to stadiums and concerts of all kinds. When I was younger, I enjoyed mixing music, which explains my love for DJ and electronic music festivals. I enjoy golf, tennis, and a good walk to chat. Hunting for rare whiskies and playing dominoes? A great combination".